
A place to share the music you love

What is MusicThread?

MusicThread is a website to create and share lists of music. We call these lists “Threads”.

Copy and paste links from Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud (and more) to create your Thread and share it with people.

When you post songs and albums to MusicThread, we automatically show links to that music for different platforms. This means you can post a Spotify link and someone who uses Apple Music can still listen.

What do Threads look like?

Here are some examples:

What can I use MusicThread for?

Anything you want! If you need inspiration:

What apps support MusicThread?


Who runs MusicThread?

MusicThread is run by Brushed Type. We love building apps and services for music fans.

How much does MusicThread cost?

MusicThread is free to use.

In the future we’ll offer a fairly priced subscription for extra features and to help support running the service.

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